Charities Call For Stricter Regulations On Mobility Scooters
Mobility scooters were back in the headlines this month with a number of influential road charities calling for tighter restrictions on mobility scooter users, particularly scooters used on pavements. IAM Roadsmart, a leaving driver awareness group in the UK, suggests that those caught committing offences such as driving a mobility scooter under the influence of […]
Read MoreSurvey Of Adult Carers Finds Increased Levels Of Stress, Depression, & Financial Difficulty
A recent study published by NHS Digital has revealed that 60.6% of carers reported feeling stressed in 2018-19, a 2% increase from the results in 2016-17. Read our latest Carers and Mental Health Survey 2022 results. The survey, compiled from a pool of 50,800 adult carers, sheds some light on the difficulties carers are facing […]
Read MoreWhat Does Home Insurance Cover?
What Does Home Insurance Cover? Home insurance is not currently a legal requirement in the UK, but it does provide protection for your home and it’s contents against a number of circumstances, including natural disasters, damage, and theft. If you are a homeowner, your mortgage provider may require that you take out a building insurance […]
Read MoreCarers Week 2019: What Is It, Our Pledge, And How To Get Involved
Carers Week 2019 is held from the 10 – 19th June. Find out what it is, how to get involved, and what we’re doing to raise awareness this year.
Read More6 Benefits of Owning a Mobility Scooter
A mobility scooter is a big investment for many people, so it’s understandable that you want to be sure you need one before committing to buying a mobility scooter for yourself. There is a huge range of benefits to owning a mobility scooter, and many people find that owning their mobility scooter provides more opportunities […]
Read MoreHow To Properly Prepare Your Home For Sale In The Summer
With summer rapidly approaching, many people are no doubt preparing to sell their homes. Summer is the most popular time of year to sell in the UK, and it’s not hard to see why: blue skies and warmer temperatures put everyone in a better mood, and make houses brighter and more appealing to potential buyers. […]
Read MoreThe Best UK Destinations & Attractions For Mobility Scooter Users
Want to enjoy a long weekend away this summer, but worried about travelling with your mobility scooter? Here, we’ve listed some of the top accessible destinations and attractions in the UK so you can enjoy some well-deserved time off without the stresses of travelling with limited mobility.
Read More400,000 Carers Could Be Missing Out On £3,000 Worth Of Benefits Every Year
Recent research suggests that up to 400,000 carers could be missing out on up to £3,000 worth of benefits they’re entitled to every single year – here, we cover what that benefit is and if you’re eligible to claim for it.
Read MoreCarers Rights Day 2018: Know Your Rights As A Carer
Carers Rights Day is an annual event held to help carers find the support and advise they need, as well as to raise public awareness of the additional help carers need in their roles. Here, we provide a breakdown of some of the benefits you’re entitled to as a carer in the UK.
Read MoreWhy Self-Storage Is The Ideal Solution for the Newly Retired and Your Belongings
Why utilising a self-storage facility is a great option for anyone newly retired and looking for a safe space to store your belongings.
Read MoreSimple Tips on How to Cut Costs on Your Insurance Premiums
Insurance premiums take a chunk out of your wallet over time. But they pale in comparison to the loss you’d suffer for being uninsured in the event of an accident or theft. Insurance is worth the price, especially as certain types are required by law. Insurance premiums, however, are not set in stone. You can reduce your […]
Read MoreDo I Need Landlord Rent Guarantee Insurance? Your Questions Answered
If you own a property that you rent out to tenants, one of the biggest problems you could encounter is your tenant falling into arrears with their rent. Here’s why rent guarantee insurance is essential for protecting your income.
Read MoreBlue Badge Scheme Changes to Cover Mental Illnesses
Earlier this year, the Department of Transport announced new changes to the Blue Badge Scheme so that it will cover those with hidden disabilities as well as people with mobility problems and visible disabilities.
Read More4 Biggest Benefits of Decluttering Your Home
Whether you’re moving home, renovating, or simply in need of some more space, delucttering your home can have huge bonuses. Check out our guide to effectively clearing the clutter from your home here – and how to store it to keep it safe.
Read MoreMobility Scooter Buying Guide: Choosing the Right Scooter for You
Find the right mobility scooter for you with our buying guide covering every point you need to consider when finding the right mobility scooter for your needs.
Read MoreHow To Become A Foster Carer & Foster Carer Wages?
How Much Do Foster Carer’s Get Paid? Foster carers receive weekly payments to cover the cost of caring for a child. These payments varying depending on where you are living in the UK, what age the child you are caring for is, and if they have special needs. If you have certain skills or make […]
Read MoreCarers Week 2018: What You Need to Know
11th – 17th June is Carers Week, an annual event aimed at raising awareness for caring and providing more support for carers and the challenges they face. Find out all you need to know about what’s happening and how to get involved.
Read MoreDo I Qualify for a Blue Badge?
If you have a disability, limited mobility, or another medical condition, you may be entitled to a blue badge in the UK. However, the qualifying criteria for this benefit are not always clear. Below, we’ve discussed how you can qualify for a blue badge, what this benefit entails, and how to apply for one.
Read MoreWho Can Drive a Mobility Scooter? | Mobility Scooter FAQs
Mobility scooters can absolutely transform the lives of people with mobility problems, giving you far more independence and freedom of movement. It’s for this reason that many people who find they cannot move around very much on their own are keen to find out more about their options when it comes to scooters – including […]
Read MoreGreat Tips on How to Buy and Hire Mobility Scooters
There are several things you need to consider before you buy a mobility scooter, but one of the first is whether you’re going to buy your scooter online or in-store. Buying online has the benefit of being convenient, but you don’t benefit from in-store service and advice.
Read MoreSupport for Carers this Christmas
For many, Christmas is a time to let loose and enjoy the festivities around you. However, for carer’s the reality can often be somewhat difficult, with the festive season actually being one of the most stressful times to care for another person. As a carer, you will probably have had to sacrifice plans and make […]
Read MoreHow To Sell Your Home for More: 7 Tips to Staging Your Home
Preparing your home for potential buyers – otherwise known as ‘staging’ – is an important process to ensure your property has maximum appeal for buyers. Staging your home correctly can not only sell your property faster but can also help to add thousands in value to your home – so check out our top tips […]
Read MoreTardy Tenants are a Financial Nightmare for Landlords
If you’ve ever been a landlord, this scenario will almost certainly sound familiar to you. Your property needs a small repair. It’s a loose door hinge, a dripping pipe, or something else minor that could easily be repaired by the tenants in an hour or two. It could also be just as easily fixed if […]
Read MoreWhy Landlords and Tenants Hate Mould and Damp
Mould, landlords and tenants: They’re a combustible combination. Tenants feel landlords ought to take responsibility for the problem and fix it ASAP without any cost to them. Landlords, on the other hand, often feel that mould and dampness caused by condensation are tenants’ fault because they dry clothes inside or keep the windows closed when […]
Read MorePrivate Landlords Fight Unfair Buy-to-Let Tax Changes
Changes to tax laws that govern buy-to-let properties have landlords up in arms. The planned buy-to-let tax is deemed unfair because it targets private landlords who have buy-to-let properties in their own names and doesn’t target companies that invest in rental properties. Furthermore, tax will be on turnover rather than profit, which will eat into […]
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