Dementia Caregivers Guide
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Dementia Caregivers Guide
If you or someone you know has recently become a dementia caregiver for a family member or friend, or is a personal carer for someone with dementia, this guide provides a complete overview to everything you need to know about dementia and caring for someone with this condition.

Dementia Today
An estimated one in three people will become a carer for someone with dementia in their lifetime. As people live longer, the number of people diagnosed with dementia is increasing.
Understanding Dementia: Caring for Dementia Patients
An overview of dementia, and the best resources to help gain a better understanding of the condition and being a carer.
Training for Dementia Carers
A guide to the different types of training available to both paid and unpaid dementia carers and how to access it.
Support for Dementia Carers in the UK
Find out what support is available to you as a dementia carer, from online communities to finding local support groups.
Where to Find Dementia Carer Support Groups
A complete list of the dementia support groups in the UK, both online and in person, plus local directories to help you find groups in your area.
Dementia Caregivers and Depression
Depression affects a large proportion of dementia carers, and it’s important to get help. This guide covers where to seek help and find respite care.
Caring For Someone With Young Onset Dementia
Caring for someone with young onset dementia can present unique challenges. If your family member has been diagnosed with early onset dementia, you may have found yourself unexpectedly becoming their carer.
Do Dementia Carers Qualify for Carer’s Allowance?
This guide covers everything you need to know about claiming for Carer’s Allowance as a dementia carer.
Finding Respite for Dementia Carers
What respite and replacement care for dementia carers is available in the UK and how to access the support you need.
Courses for Dementia Carers
The different courses that are on offer to unpaid carers as well as paid carers looking to advance their careers.
Care Homes for Dementia Patients
When is the right time to discuss moving into a care home for a loved one with dementia? We cover the key points to consider here.
Are Dementia Patients Entitled to Free Care?
Find out if you or your loved one with dementia is entitled to free care on the NHS, how to apply, and what alternative routes are available to you.
Guide To Live In Dementia Care
If you care for someone with dementia, you know how hard it can be. As their condition progresses, you may need more support. Live in dementia care may be the solution.
Home Care For People With Dementia
When should someone with dementia go into a care home? Many people think that moving into residential care is inevitable for people with dementia, but it doesn’t have to be.
Carers Resource Guide
Engaging in activities that stimulate the brain is crucial for individuals with dementia because it can help slow down the progression of cognitive decline and improve their overall quality of life. We’ve created a hub to provide a one-stop resource of games, activities, songs, and more, for any care worker in need of inspiration.
You can view the carers resource guide and download activities for free here: Carers Resources
Dementia facts

About dementia carers
It is estimated that one in three people will care for someone with dementia in their lifetime. Half of the 540,000 people that are currently dementia carers are also employed – although many have cut their working hours in order to provide care for a family member.
Becoming a dementia carer for a loved one can be a monumental change, and naturally, a lot of stress, isolating, and challenges can come with it. This guide aims to provide you with all the information and resources you might need when stepping into your role as a dementia carer.